Monday, September 21, 2009

September 13, 2009 - Kruger Park Day 2

As we started our day in Letaba Gen found a pretty tree with flowers in the camp.

We started our day's safari right at gate-opening time - 6AM. The first animal we saw was another elephant in the bush!

We then caught a few hippos in the river beside our road (there was a turtle chilling on the top of one of the hippos, one of Sami's favorite sights from the safari!).

We also saw a lot of impalas, guineafowls (they look like turkeys with blue heads!), a buzzard with a long yellow hooked beak, giraffe, lots of crocodiles, lots of elephant, baboons, blue wildebeests, zebras, cranes, a giant herd of buffaloes, 5 spotted hyenaes (with three babies, and one huge one just walking down the road next to the car), our first lion (enjoying his kill with a tree full of vultures next to him waiting for the scraps - another top moment for Gen and Sami), our first white rhino, and then a large family of elephants with a tiny baby.

Besides the impalas, South Africa has a number of other antelope-like species. Today we saw the waterbuck, bushbuck, the smaller klipspringer and steenbok, and the large kudu.

A couple of kilometers from our next camp site, Satara Camp, disaster struck our poor Popo. We got a flat tire and were unable to change the tire for three reasons - 1) we aren't allowed outside of our cars in the park 2) it was nearly gate-closing time being (6PM), and 3) we had a ton of food and bags in our trunk so we would have to unload all the food before getting to the spare - something I'm sure the nearby hyenaes would have liked... So, to the complete destruction of the tire, we continued to drive until we got into the camp and could change the tire...

To add to the despair, the ground at Satara was ultra hard, so our tent was looking pretty weak.

We enjoyed some noodles and peas in our tent that night, while a hungry hyenae patrolled the perimeter of the camp.

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